UKCW Birmingham: 1-3 October 2024 | NEC
UKCW London: 7-9 May 2025 | ExCeL

Speaker Promotion

Let people know you are speaking at UK Construction Week Birmingham

We have put together some promotional material for you to use to promote your session at UK Construction Week. Please feel free to use these banners on social media, in your email signature and emails.

2. Example Posts

2. Example Posts

We have put together some example social media posts for you to use on your social media channels.

Post 1

I am speaking at UK Construction Week Birmingham 2023 @UK_CW on the 3-5 October, at Birmingham NEC.

Check out the details of my talk at:

Register Free:

#ukcw #Speaker #Construction

banner 1

Post 2

I am delighted to be speaking at UK Construction Week London 2022. 

Join me at *Time* on the *Date* for a session on *Title*  

Register Free:

@UK_CW #ukcw #Speaker #Construction

banner 1

Post 3

I am pleased to announce that I will be speaking at UK Construction Week 2022 on the 3-5 May at London's ExCeL.

Join me, and over 25k construction professionals, at the largest construction event in the UK.

Register Free:

@UK_CW #ukcw #Speaker #Construction

banner 1

4. Link URLs

4. Link URLs

We have put together some generic links for you to use.

Register Free:

Seminar Programme:

Speaker Page:

Birmingham Sponsors


Previous Attendees