UKCW Birmingham: 1-3 October 2024 | NEC
UKCW London: 7-9 May 2025 | ExCeL

UKCW London 2024 Seminar Programme



09 May 2024
Culture Change Hub
Environmental and Social responsibility is about developing a strong company culture that empowers employees to do environmental and social good. Social responsibility is important to businesses because employees benefit from working in an inclusive environment and towards a valued social goal. This builds a strong company culture that positively impacts people and productivity. The CSR Accreditation uses a framework to assess an organisation's sustainability practices across various areas, including environmental sustainability, community engagement, workplace culture, and ethical business practices. It aims to provide companies with a structured approach to implementing and measuring their sustainability initiatives. This workshop uses this frame work to help organisations address what they are already doing.  The great thing is you are probably doing a lot of positive things already reflected in the CSR four pillars. After all it’s amazing what we are already doing that we don’t talk about. CSR-A provides the perfect opportunity to tell your positive story...
Richard Collins, Chief Executive Officer - CSR-A

Birmingham Sponsors


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