UKCW Birmingham: 1-3 October 2024 | NEC
UKCW London: 7-9 May 2025 | ExCeL

Sponsors & Partners

Government Business

The UK Public Sector represents the single largest market in the UK. Government Business, now in its 30th year, is published bi-monthly by PSI and deals with the 'business end' of government's requirements. GB's pages contain need-to-know features, news and case studies that explain the commercial issues affecting local and central government. High Priority is given to ensure each issue contains need to know information. Topical contributions are regularly carried from Government Ministers, Public Sector Analysts, Conference Speakers and Industry Experts on a wide range of subjects that are of specific interest to public sector executives. The magazine supports several high profile exhibitions - coverage of which is always timed for maximum impact. Topics regularly addressed in GB include Facilities Management, Security, Energy, Transport, Procurement and Money Matters - a regular supplement on public sector finance, insurance and risk management.
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