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Press Releases

Sand replaced by recycled glass in Australian road | Construction Buzz #222

19 Jun 2019


The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority has invested US$74,000 in a trial to use sand made from recycled glass in a highway project.

As part of the “Waste Less, Recycle More” programme, glass from a waste collection system was used on the main carriageway of east Australia’s Woolgoolga-to-Ballina Pacific Highway upgrade.

Recycled glass was used as an alternative to sand, reducing material consumption and waste.

The concrete mix met the state’s specifications, and will not need any additional maintenance.

Carmen Dwyer, the authority’s executive director for waste and resource recovery, said: “Working with large organisations in the civil construction industry creates great opportunities to reduce landfill and support new markets and opportunities for recyclable materials, reducing the impact of changes in the global recycling market.

“These grants aim to foster innovative thinking while removing the potential risks associated with implementing new processes.”

Source: Global Construction Review

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